Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Not your average love story

What is love? I used to ask the same thing to everyone. People would tell me, But I never really believed in love or knew the answer, until I figured it out for myself.

 Love is when you care for someone as much as or even more than yourself, And want nothing but to spend every second of every day for the rest of your life with then. When you say "screw you" and "come give me a hug" in the same sentence. Love is when you don't feel awkward or pressured to be be something your not when your with them.  Love is when your fight with them one night and the next morning it's like nothing happened, when you love someone and never want to hurt them. But you will. It's only human, and they will hurt you too. But love is being able to look past that because they are everything you will ever need. 

Love is singing and dancing and crying an laughing and farting and fighting and driving and kissing and smiling and maybe a little more than kissing and holding hands and getting jealous and sneaking out and getting into trouble and sticking hands down each other pants and watching movies and taking maps and going to dinner with each others families and talking and helping and most of all becoming a part of one another. 

Love is beautiful. And I feel sorry for those who have never experienced it.  -Kinely Moore