Be someone that can always be consistent even if it isn't what she tells you isn't acceptable, your to young, that's inappropriate.
She is that bitter wind that will tear at you and make you feel raw, cold, bitten, and shaken. It will tell you that if you are quite your a bitch, but if your loud and outgoing your an attention whore.
She will tear you limb from limb that if you don't do what she says that you ignore her and will demand the attention she seeks.
She will do everything in we power to diminish all you have for yourself. Your self worth, esteem, image. All of it.
A beautiful glass vase, placed on a polished wood table. That is you. Beautiful and pristine She will grind you into fine pieces if sand. Where you will be just a grain of sand in a beach with thousands of other just like you.
She will take your creativity and full you with pills or medication. Therapy that will make you "normal".
Plain, like an cube monkey. Bound to the 3 and a half walls around a computer, with a stapler and a tape roll so called comfortable chair and picture of their family or fiance and the left is their dog.
Church shoes that are affordable and pants that barely make it to the ankles, with a plain white dress shirt with a simple tie and a walmart watch because their jobs don't pay enough to get anything better than what they have.
She will make you into someone you are not. Be creative. Be outgoing. Be loud. Be out there. Be wild. Be crazy. Be intense. Be you.
She is society.
sincerely, little fox
"Church shoes that are affordable and pants that barely make it to the ankles, with a plain white dress shirt with a simple tie and a walmart watch because their jobs don't pay enough to get anything better than what they have." love this.