Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to forget about you

Smoke a bit of this says the dealer, you'll forgot about him till you buy more
Line this up and breathe it in, you'll be wired for days. He will be the last thing on your mind
Drink it up and watch as you feel your body loosen away from the tight grip he had on your wrist that  always left marks
Wash this down as you let the memory of staring out into the lights that summer night you gave him yourself 
Shoot this and feel your pain fade, just like in time those scars he gave you

Pop this says the kid in your photography class, it's like it never happened
Pop that and you'll feel to sick to even think about the times you held her hair up
Take this and you'll forgot about the times you laid in the playhouse staring at the stars from the skylight
Put this on your tongue, your mind will warp reality and you won't realize anything is wrong
Snort this and watch all the times he called you fat wither away to skin and bone

You've bought the act. 
You let your dealer convince you that you need 
Smoke to forget
Drink to feel numb
Shoot it to make it fade
Pop this to feel sicker than their twisted mind
Put that little tab on your tongue to forget reality
Snort to lose the weight

Don't buy it.
It's all a trap


  1. I've been trying to think of a way to put this feeling in words and you just captured. Currently my favorite. Insanely good.

  2. So honest and real. So good. Great job.
