Sunday, July 13, 2014

Likes, Favorites, and Retweets

There was once a time when life wasn't about your latest Instagram photo and how many retweets and favorites you got on a tweet. Where your self esteem wasn't based on your followers and the amount if likes you got on a selfie. What happened? Why do we all care so much? Are we seeking attention from others because we never get the sufficient love from the people we call our parents? Or because we are just begging to be noticed upon this large rock that revolves around the sun. 7.046 billion. That is our "competition" and we can't help it but what the entire mass to notice us. I am just at fault as you are. I just want to be noticed. Get hundreds of likes on a photo that my best friend took of me. To get to a thousand followers because literally every and their grandmother does. But here I sit with my phone in my hand refreshing the damn feed. Hoping to see someone follow me so I can get over this stupid 589. Why don't we all just not give a shit? Because your value doesn't depend on your likes. Your favorites. Your retweets. Unless you @kswizzle because for some reason she always brings that one tweet that got 367 retweets and 1,265 favorites. Just so it can start all over again? Why does it matter? I feel so stupid thinking about it. Why do I care? Why do you care? Can't we all just get a grip or reality and realize that the people who favorite your tweets and like your selfies are not going to help you get married. Or help you graduate college. Or  build your resume. Or help you fix yourself. You build yourself so why don't we make the commitment to not care so much about our Phones, iPods, the likes, favorites and retweets, and start doing things to build ourselves. 

Thanks for listening. 


  1. i was going to comment 'retweet' cause I always say that on posts I love... but I don't know if that's ironic.. sooo... #PREACH

    1. shoot sarah i was going to say preach and i've literally never said that to a post
